MUHAMMAD USMAN - Chief Executive Officer and Director at Kumrat Tourism Pvt Limited

MUHAMMAD USMAN – Chief Executive Officer and Director at Kumrat Tourism Pvt Limited

Muhammad Usman, a native of the picturesque Dir Town district in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, is making waves as the Chief Executive Officer and Director at Kumrat Tourism Pvt Limited. His journey from the serene valleys of Dir to the bustling city of Islamabad is a tale of determination and vision.


Early Life and Background

Born and raised in Dir Town, Muhammad Usman developed a deep connection with the natural beauty of the Dir district. Nestled in the lap of mountains, this region boasts breathtaking landscapes that would later inspire Usman’s venture into the tourism industry.


Founding of Kumrat Tourism Pvt Ltd

In 2020, Muhammad Usman took a significant step by founding Kumrat Tourism Pvt Ltd. The first office, strategically located near Bab E Kumrat, District Dir Bala, became the hub for tourist services. This marked the beginning of a journey dedicated to promoting tourism in the region.


Expansion of Services

Kumrat Tourism Pvt Ltd quickly expanded its services to cover Kumrat Valley, Chitral Valley, Kalash Valley, Swat Valley, Kalam Valley, and Dir Valley. The team faced numerous challenges but remained committed to providing unparalleled tourism experiences.

Role of Muhammad Usman

Not just the CEO on paper, Muhammad Usman actively participated in handling tourism operations. Alongside him, friends Shahzad Akhtar and Rana Ahsan played crucial roles in the success of Kumrat Tourism Pvt Ltd.

Muhammad Usman receiving the Certificate of Good Performance from the Mr. Sayad Wasi Ahmad Fatimi Khan Minister of Tourism, Pakistan

Muhammad Usman receiving the Certificate of Good Performance from the Mr. Sayad Wasi Ahmad Fatimi Khan Minister of Tourism, Pakistan


Second Office in Islamabad

In 2023, the company achieved another milestone by establishing its second office in Islamabad. This move not only facilitated the management of nationwide operations but also positioned Kumrat Tourism Pvt Ltd as a key player in the tourism industry.


Diverse Tourism Services

Today, Kumrat Tourism Pvt Ltd offers a wide range of services, covering destinations across Pakistan, including Kashmir, Gilgit Baltistan, Balochistan, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and Punjab. The services include family tours, group tours, school tours, college tours, hotel bookings, rents, paragliding, photographers, and tour guides.

Hardships and Success

The journey wasn’t without challenges, but the team’s resilience and dedication have propelled Kumrat Tourism Pvt Ltd toward success. Muhammad Usman’s hands-on approach and the unwavering support of his colleagues have been instrumental.

Future Prospects

As Kumrat Tourism Pvt Ltd continues to thrive, there are exciting plans for the future. The company aims to further expand its services, reaching new heights in the tourism sector.

Muhammad Usman’s Leadership

Muhammad Usman’s leadership has been a driving force behind the success of Kumrat Tourism Pvt Ltd. His vision, coupled with a hands-on approach, has set a high standard for the entire team.

National Coverage

With services now spanning the entire nation, Kumrat Tourism Pvt Ltd has become a household name in the tourism industry. The company’s commitment to providing quality experiences has garnered widespread recognition.

Community Impact

Beyond its commercial success, Kumrat Tourism Pvt Ltd has positively impacted local communities. The influx of tourists has contributed to the economic development of the regions it operates in, creating a win-win situation.

In conclusion, Muhammad Usman‘s journey from the valleys of Dir to the helm of Kumrat Tourism Pvt Ltd is a testament to his passion for promoting the beauty of Pakistan. The company’s growth and impact on local communities showcase the positive outcomes that result from dedication and vision in the tourism sector.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Q: How can I book a tour with Kumrat Tourism Pvt Ltd?

    • A: Booking a tour is easy. Visit our website or contact our offices for personalized assistance.
  2. Q: What destinations does Kumrat Tourism Pvt Ltd cover?

    • A: We cover a wide range of destinations across Pakistan, including Kashmir, Gilgit Baltistan, Balochistan, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and Punjab.
  3. Q: Are there special discounts for group tours?

    • A: Yes, we offer special discounts for group tours. Contact us for more details.
  4. Q: Does Kumrat Tourism Pvt Ltd offer custom tour packages?

    • A: Absolutely! We can tailor tour packages to suit your preferences. Just let us know your requirements.
  5. Q: What measures does Kumrat Tourism Pvt Ltd take for sustainable tourism?

    • A: We are committed to sustainable tourism practices, minimizing environmental impact and promoting responsible travel.

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