
This beautiful area is located in the Chitral district. This place is located about 30 km from Chitral. It is the season of June. The temperature here ranges from 30 to 35 degrees Celsius.


This beautiful area is located in the Chitral district. This place is located about 30 km from Chitral. It is the season of June. The temperature here ranges from 30 to 35 degrees Celsius.


This beautiful area is located in Dir Upper District. It comes from Kohistan and joins two Dir rivers. July is the month. And the weather here is 25 to 30 centigrade
This beautiful area is located in Dir Upper District. It comes from Kohistan and joins two Dir rivers. July is the month. And the weather here is 25 to 30 centigrade
Awesome view of Kond Banda, Jehazbanda Dir Upper. If you have to visit these beautiful
Kumrat valley Pakistan







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